Chain Collar For Dogs That Pull

Chain Collar For Dogs That Pull. We strongly advise against using them on your own. Guardian gear martingale dog collar. A martingale choke collar is the combination of a simple strap collar and the prong collar.

Chain Collar For Dogs That Pull Photos
Black Dog Chain Collar-Cuban Link Slip Chain | Big dog ...

Over time, many dog trainers have moved away from the choke chain method. The choke chain contracts the collar when the dog pulls hard and expands when the relaxed. A prong collar, more commonly known as the pinch collar, is a special type of collar constructed out of a metal chain.

Gallery of Chain Collar For Dogs That Pull

This is because a prong collar uses momentary pain to stop unwanted behavior. Chain collar is electronically welded for maximum strength, nickel and chrome plated for durability, and is resistant against rust, tarnish, or breakage. This video gives a brief description of how to put the collar on your dog for training. It does tighten around your dog's neck when there is tension on the leash, but it can only tighten as much as the adjustment.