Choker Necklace Urban Dictionary

Choker Necklace Urban Dictionary. Chokers can be made of a variety of materials, including velvet, plastic, beads, latex, leather, metal, such as silver, gold, or platinum, etc. A word that described those who failed at the last minute, despite good at most of the time. Plain black choker necklaces sometimes signified secret lesbianism.

Choker Necklace Urban Dictionary Pictures
Urban Outfitters Ribbon & Chains Draped Necklace | Urban ...

Chokers are necklaces that sit tightly around the neck. Buy the best and latest choker necklace on offer the quality choker necklace on sale with worldwide free shipping. A high tight collar β–Έ noun:

Gallery of Choker Necklace Urban Dictionary

It's 11 oz of sheer ceramic prowess. Shop gold necklace urban dictionary collection at N choker an unfortunate person who is unable to perform effectively because of nervous tension or agitation he could win if he wasn't a choker. A narrow strip of cloth or a necklace that fits very closely around a woman's neck: