Diamond Necklace Louis Xvi

Diamond Necklace Louis Xvi. French antique 1900 louis xvi bow religious chalice & patene silver pendant medal scene / french vintage jewelry. If you think that french history is boring, think twice. King louis xv's death had massive ramifications for boehmer and bassange's work of art.

Diamond Necklace Louis Xvi Pictures
LADY'S DIAMOND PENDANT WATCH, 1920S The circular dial ...

Louis xvi and marie antoinette. The affair of the diamond necklace (french: Affaire du collier de la reine, affair of the queen's necklace) was an incident from 1784 to 1785 at the court of king louis xvi of france that involved his wife, queen marie antoinette.

Gallery of Diamond Necklace Louis Xvi

In the movie, the heart of the ocean is an impressive blue diamond completely encircled by glittering diamonds. 5 out of 5 stars. The diamond is said to be larger than the hope diamond and was allegedly owned by louis xvi. Marie antoinette, louis xvi and their children never made the escape to austria, though.