Wedding Ring Necklace Widower

Wedding Ring Necklace Widower. Some widows turn their ring into a necklace, but it's not quite that simple. A wedding band is a commitment for life that many people are not ready to let go just yet. Original designs for grieving families featuring rings for the widow, widower, mothers, children and memorial rings for fallen military, police and firemen.

Wedding Ring Necklace Widower Photos
7 best Men/Widower Rings images on Pinterest | Wedding ...

Find your dream wedding necklace wedding jewelry on An article of jewelry, namely a combination of two wedding rings, wherein the wedding rings are stacked upon each other and fixedly attached. The wedding rings worn in such a fashion identify that the person is widowed and is a method of signifying widow and widower status without causing confusion, embarrassment or discomfort.

Gallery of Wedding Ring Necklace Widower

Most widowers and widows prefer to still wear their rings because they cannot yet process the loss of their partner. For people who have been married a number of years, it often becomes an inseparable part of you. Wear your wedding band on a necklace. $2.00 coupon applied at checkout.